Author Archives for Andrea Sollazzo

There is life around Power Pile

May 19, 2020 1:53 pm Published by Comments Off on There is life around Power Pile

The Power Pile, was during the festival and its construction, not only the source of warm water for shower and kitchen, but it became during the days of the festival a real spa. With the integration of the Koti sauna, and thanks to the Shiatsu massage session the natural energy generated from the biomeiler spread around the people reinforcing the atmosphere of festivity and celebration that the Periferia festival was generating.  Shiatsu sessions by Valentina Signore: Shiatsu stimulates the body’s vital energy. Calm and relaxing in nature, it is yet dynamic in effect. The body-mind re-adjusts itself and a new well being takes place. Shiatsu has Japanese origin and is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. It is practiced dressed on the floor. Using rhythmic pressures along the meridians and gentle stretching, shiatsu provides an improvement in physical and energy balance Arie van Ziel : Architect and designer expert... View Article

Multiplicity – otherness – Unity

May 19, 2020 1:09 pm Published by Comments Off on Multiplicity – otherness – Unity

Our friend Charlotte Istat, tell us the story of of the power pile construction from her unique perspective: I am Charlotte, I am 32 years old and I like to think about the meaning of the life. It is through a search for Unity that I create small scenes made up of elements like humans, animals, plants, sometimes mechanical constructions, with naive looks but also textures, contours, forms full and empty … These elements, although they are different or sometimes contradictory, respond to each other and together form the parts of a harmonious whole where everything is in its place. This multiplicity – otherness – Unity is for me an image of the inwardness of the human and the paradoxes which inhabit him but also of the society which we are today called to transform, to harmonize in order to find peace with us and with others whether they are Human, nature, animal... View Article


September 7, 2017 11:05 pm Published by Comments Off on POOL IS COOL

Our shape is unclear, we engage in different travels and approaches, and sometimes our energy manifests itself under different forms. This time is very liquid. Two of us (Andrea Sollazzo and Louisa Vermoere) have been deeply involved in the creation, developing and growing of a story that deserve to be told, and that even if it is not completely and properly a collective disaster project it share with it values and experiences. POOL IS COOL, that’s the name of the project, it’s quite of a long story: basically a group of “experts/citizens” start a strive for the revival of outdoor swimming in Brussels. The situation is quite simple and embarrassing, Brussels, the European capital, doesn’t offer to its citizens the possibility for swimming under the “blue” sky during hot days. If you want to swim under the “blue” sky, the city does not offer anything, or you are rich, or... View Article

One summer of “miracles”

October 23, 2016 7:53 pm Published by Comments Off on One summer of “miracles”

The miracle mountain pumped warm water for the whole summer at the festival art, villes & paysage in Amiens. The visitors of the park benefitted during the summer the miracle of a natural warm water spring created by the power of composting: around the basin people enjoyed nature and relaxed, dipping their feet in this magical environment. The Miracle Mountain produced constantly for more than four months continuously warm water, the miracle happened and will continue happening until the transformation will be over… Thanks to everybody that helped us realise this miracle !

Journey to the Centre of the Biomeiler

August 6, 2016 2:11 pm Published by Comments Off on Journey to the Centre of the Biomeiler

When experimenting, accidents might occur. From Amiens we received the news that our biomeiler had stopped circulating water, the energy was no longer flowing, everything was blocked. All around us questions and doubts were raised – we consulted our biomeiler expert Arie, we tried to guess, but the only thing to do was go there and visit our Biomeiler. Louisa and Andrea drove to Amiens on a rainy day full of hope and restlessness; once there, they meet with the stalwart Guillaume and start to pump, measure, dig, test, feel, smell, listen, discuss, but nothing. The biomeiler was not pumping water anymore. At that point it was clear: deep inside the Miracle Mountain something was broken, maybe forever. Five days later the whole team was there: Pieter and Valentina from Berlin, Andrea and Louisa from Brussels and Guillaume with his crew. So at the first light of day, under a threatening... View Article

The tale of Tiles

July 11, 2016 3:28 pm Published by Comments Off on The tale of Tiles

As a sort of memory of the place, an alchemical stonehage, a possible code of symbols and signs, the 6 pink tiles can be discovered around the Miracle Mountain. In collaboration with Duccio Maria Gambi, expert of concrete, pigments and shapes, Collective Disaster developed these 6 pink concrete tiles with brass insertions. The insertions refer to the main elements: Water, Fire, Earth and Air. Their form and position resonate from a geometrical code that drives the energy around the Miracle Mountain, trying to reinforce the connection with the surroundings while adding an extra layer of metatext. While designing and researching we discovered also that the pink triangle during Nazi time was used to…..  we didn’t know this, but when we found it out, we thought that it was perfect. So let us thank the work of our master of concrete, pigments and shapes Duccio and enjoy these six special candies.

Collective Disaster lands in Amiens.

February 6, 2016 5:06 pm Published by Comments Off on Collective Disaster lands in Amiens.

For the yearly edition of the festival “les Hortillonnages” in Amiens, our Miracle Mountain has  been selected to enrich the beautiful natural setting of the park. We had our first visit of the area and under an unstoppable rain we discover the idyllic series of islands, ponds and lakes in which our Miracle Mountain will rise. The Hortillonnages is a great example of transformation and revitalization of landfills. Originally created for agricultural purpose has been rescued from a destiny of neglect and abandon thanks to the Maison de la Culture of Amiens that transformed it in a productive and artistic landscape. During these months we will finalize and realize the project that will open to public in the month of June.

Monsters and creatures

November 11, 2015 10:38 pm Published by Comments Off on Monsters and creatures

During the search a series of amazing source of inspiration were monster and creatures depicted in old maps and books. The journey into what since ever represents the fears and the energies of human being helped us in finding a good synthesis that could visualize the un-displayable.

Video recorded in Bxl during a series of interventions.

November 11, 2015 10:02 pm Published by Comments Off on Video recorded in Bxl during a series of interventions.

In this short video, shot during a series of interventions in Bxl, the project appears in all it’s simplicity and energy, enjoy the swing and special thanks to our secret director…