May 19, 2020

There is life around Power Pile

The Power Pile, was during the festival and its construction, not only the source of warm water for shower and kitchen, but it became during the days of the festival a real spa. With the integration of the Koti sauna, and thanks to the Shiatsu massage session the natural energy generated from the biomeiler spread around the people reinforcing the atmosphere of festivity and celebration that the Periferia festival was generating.  Shiatsu sessions by Valentina Signore: Shiatsu stimulates the body’s vital energy. Calm and relaxing in nature, it is yet dynamic in effect. The body-mind re-adjusts itself and a new well being takes place. Shiatsu has Japanese origin and is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. It is practiced dressed on the floor. Using rhythmic pressures along the meridians and gentle stretching, shiatsu provides an improvement in physical and energy balance Arie van Ziel : Architect and designer expert... View Article

May 19, 2020

Multiplicity – otherness – Unity

Our friend Charlotte Istat, tell us the story of of the power pile construction from her unique perspective: I am Charlotte, I am 32 years old and I like to think about the meaning of the life. It is through a search for Unity that I create small scenes made up of elements like humans, animals, plants, sometimes mechanical constructions, with naive looks but also textures, contours, forms full and empty … These elements, although they are different or sometimes contradictory, respond to each other and together form the parts of a harmonious whole where everything is in its place. This multiplicity – otherness – Unity is for me an image of the inwardness of the human and the paradoxes which inhabit him but also of the society which we are today called to transform, to harmonize in order to find peace with us and with others whether they are Human, nature, animal... View Article

Part of the project:

Power Pile Miracle Mountain