The Opening!
Finally opening day of the Art, Cities & Landscape Festival 2016! We’d come a day earlier to Amiens to prepare our site for the visitors and of course to test the water (hot, hot hot!). Besides this we bottled and stickered some of the black water we kept after flooding the biomeiler, it is said to be a very potent fertiliser, and we wanted to have them as little gifts for the visitors.
The opening day (and night) itself couldn’t have been more perfect. After the usual set of speeches and glass of wine we went around and had a look at the installations. During the evening, a big dinner was prepared for all of the other artists, co-workers and friends of the festival, which was followed by a mysterious night time torch walk, accompanied by a local brass band. The walk ended at the waterside, where a floating bonfire and the continuous playing brass band made the perfect atmosphere for an epic opening celebration.
It has to be said that we are extremely thankful for the organisation for doing such a good job on the festival. It was an absolute pleasure and we’ll be back in Amiens anytime 🙂
Miracle Mountain