Holy Shit, what a summer in the park!
Symposium & Trésor Noir Soup
Collective Disaster is delighted to invite you to participate in a playful discursive event to reflect upon the knowledge and experience gathered at Usine du Tresor Noir during Parckdesign 2014. Usine du Tresor Noir is a dry toilet installation in public space which produces fertile soil (terra preta) out of the visitor’s waste. While in function this summer, a number of topics came up, such as socially engaged art, sustainable infrastructure, waste and responsibility about public space. We are very much interested in what ingredients you have to add in the soup and the discussion; we would be pleased if you could join.
Other invited guests include terra-preta expert Dr. Haiko Pieplow and artist Ayumi Matsuzaka who is going to prepare Trésor Noir Soup.
WHEN: Sunday, September 14, 15.00
WHERE: Parckdesign 2014, Avenue Jean Dubrucq 240
PLEASE BRING: a vegetable and something you consider waste and appetite for soup and discussion