Miracle Mountain Residency and Biomeiler workshop

Learn how to harness the natural heat of compost, come to Amiens! We will built a compost-based bioenergy system ala Jean Pain. The workshop will be lead by expert Arie Van Ziel  (biomeiler.nl) and it is free of charge. It will take place on May 7-8 in the Hortilonagge of Amiens, starting 9.00.

Moreover, Collective Disaster is going to be on a Residency in Amiens from 1-15 of May and you all have an open invitation to join us on this mission to realise a Miracle Mountain. So far, the extended family includes Tessa Zettel and Robin Weber.

Miracle Mountain is part of the yearly festival in Les Hortillonnages of Amiens.

Jean Pain



Part of the project:

Miracle Mountain